Our Story


In the late 1990s when Minds-In-Motion founder and CEO Candace Meyer returned to the classroom to teach after 15+ years away, she immediately noticed more distracted, unfocused, and struggling students. She wanted to find out why.

Teachers complained that the “children had changed”, but she knew there was something more causing children to experience difficulties with:

  • Speech issues

  • Sensitivity to loud noises

  • Inability to remain focused

  • Frequent meltdowns

  • Toe walking/clumsiness

  • Difficulty making transitions

  • Hyperactivity

  • Fear of trying new things

  • Frustrations at school/home

She also saw an increase in the diagnosis of ADD /ADHD, visual, sensory, auditory processing disorders, developmental delays, dyslexia, anxiety/separation anxiety, conduct disorders, and impulsivity.

This led her on a 20-year research journey to understand the causal relationships and why these issues were becoming increasingly more frequent. 

Meyer discovered that while children basically hadn’t changed, their environment and physical activity had changed greatly.

As the vestibular system was underutilized (screen time/ less daily movement) more children experienced difficulty academically, socially, and/or athletically.


Video: What was your motivation?


Thus, Minds-In-Motion was born.

Minds-In-Motion has discovered a safe, simple, yet scientific method to enhance athleticism, behavior, and cognitive capabilities by strengthening the vestibular (inner ear) system.